Weekly Tarot Reading - DWC Magazine

Weekly Tarot Reading

Welcome, dear soul, to your tarot journey! As I pull six cards for you, we will explore the energies surrounding you at this moment. Each card reveals a deeper truth, a guiding message that resonates with your current path. Please take what resonates with you.

The Fool is a card of new beginnings, freedom, and taking a leap of faith. Right now, you might be standing at the edge of something unknown—maybe a big decision, a new career path, or even an emotional shift. There’s an energy of excitement and fear in equal measure, but the universe is telling you to trust the journey. The Fool carries no baggage, which means you’re being invited to release the past and move forward with an open heart.

If you’ve been holding back out of fear of failure, this card is your green light to take the leap. The net will appear when you jump.

The High Priestess is the keeper of secrets, intuition, and inner wisdom. This tells me that your subconscious already knows the answer you seek—you just need to quiet the noise and listen.

Are you feeling a strong gut feeling about something? A pull toward a certain path? This is confirmation that your intuition is right on point. You may also be receiving signs—dreams, repeating numbers, synchronicities—that are guiding you. This is a time to trust yourself, even if the world around you doesn’t quite understand what you’re feeling.

The Tower is chaos, unexpected change, and breaking down old structures. This tells me that you’ve been through a major upheaval in the past—maybe a sudden ending, loss, or a painful truth that shook you to your core. It wasn’t easy, and I feel like it left a lasting impact on you.

But here’s the thing about The Tower: it doesn’t destroy for no reason. It clears out what’s unstable so something stronger can be built. Whatever fell apart in your life, it wasn’t meant to last. You may not see it now, but the universe was making space for something so much better.

The Six of Wands is a card of success, recognition, and triumph after hardship. After everything you’ve been through (hello, Tower moment!), this is your moment to shine.

You’re stepping into a phase where people will start to see and appreciate your hard work. This could be a promotion, a big win in your personal life, or simply the confidence to own your power. If you’ve been feeling overlooked, that’s about to change. The universe is saying: you deserve this victory. Own it.

The Ace of Cups is a beautiful card of new emotional beginnings, deep healing, and self-love. The universe is telling you: open your heart. There’s something beautiful trying to flow into your life—whether it’s a new love, a renewed passion, or even a creative breakthrough.

This card also speaks to emotional healing. If you’ve been carrying wounds from the past, this is a reminder that you are worthy of love, joy, and peace. Let go of the pain. Let love in. You are safe to feel again.

The Sun is the happiest card in the tarot. It represents joy, clarity, success, and a deep sense of inner peace. This is a powerful confirmation that everything is aligning for you in the most beautiful way.

Whatever struggles you’ve faced, whatever darkness you’ve walked through—it’s leading you to a period of light, happiness, and fulfilment. The universe is reminding you: you are meant to shine.

This reading is incredible. You’ve been through chaos (The Tower), you’re being asked to trust your intuition (The High Priestess), and you’re stepping into a period of success and emotional fulfilment (Six of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Sun).

The key message? Trust the journey. You’re on the right path. The past may have been tough, but it’s leading you to something so much greater than you ever imagined. Keep going. You’ve got this.

Sending you so much love! 

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