11 January 2025: Obedience - DWC Magazine

11 January 2025: Obedience

Deuteronomy 28:1-2
"If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands... all these blessings will come on you and accompany you."

Obedience to God is not always easy. Sometimes, He calls us to step into the unknown, to follow a path that seems unclear, or to surrender something we desperately want to hold onto. Our human nature craves control, and when we don’t see the full picture, fear and hesitation creep in. But true obedience requires trust—trusting that God sees what we cannot and that His plans are always for our good.

I remember a time when I felt God nudging me toward a ministry opportunity. Deep down, I knew He was calling me to step forward, but doubts consumed me. What if I fail? What if I’m not qualified? What if I disappoint others? I made excuses, convincing myself that someone else would be better suited for the role. Yet, no matter how much I tried to ignore it, the feeling wouldn’t go away.

One day, I read a story in the Bible that deeply resonated with me—Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3-4). God called Moses to lead His people, but Moses doubted his abilities. He questioned God, saying he wasn’t eloquent or strong enough. Yet, God assured him: “I will be with you.” That was all Moses needed, and it was all I needed too.

I finally said "yes" to God, stepping into the ministry role with trembling hands and an unsure heart. But as I moved forward in obedience, God equipped me in ways I never expected. He gave me the strength, wisdom, and confidence I lacked on my own. Looking back, I see how that one act of obedience opened doors to blessings I would have otherwise missed.

Obedience isn’t just about big life decisions—it’s found in the small, daily choices too. Maybe God is calling you to forgive someone who hurt you, to let go of a toxic relationship, to take a step of faith in your career, or to simply spend more time with Him. Whatever it is, know this: when God calls, He also provides. He never asks us to do something without equipping us for the journey.

This January, choose obedience, even when it’s difficult. Say “yes” to God, even when you don’t have all the answers. Trust that He is leading you toward something greater than you could ever imagine.

Lord, help me to obey You even when I don’t understand the full picture. Give me the courage to walk in faith, knowing that Your plans for me are always good. Amen.

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