Kindred Keri: Am I Being Love-Bombed? - DWC Magazine

Kindred Keri: Am I Being Love-Bombed?

I recently met someone and we text a lot during the day. He makes me feel amazing and there are all these plans he makes. But I don’t get a definite answer when I ask to meet. Am I being love-bombed?

Kindred Keri says:

It's so wonderful when you meet someone you get along with so well, and the early days of any relationship sometimes make us put blinders on, but making plans before you've even met is really premature.

At best it would make me wary, and coupled with the fact he's dragging his feet on meeting, I'd be a little suspicious that he might not be as single as he appears. Is the fact you talk during the day his arrangement? Is he as responsive on the weekends during the day?

If he is, distance isn't an issue, and you're absolutely certain he's single, I think it's time to put your cards on the table and tell him that while chatting via text is great, it's time to meet in person before you make any more plans.

Remember, if you're worried about coming on too strong with your request that if it's real, the rules don't really apply. Someone who is invested enough to be making plans is either relatively serious about you or he *is* love-bombing you. Either way, it's best to find out sooner rather than later.

While some people just get caught up in the first flushes of romance, sometimes a full-on love fest *can* be more insidious.


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