Hummus Recipe - DWC Magazine: Strong Women, Strong Voices

Hummus Recipe

By Mike Devlin

Hummus is great, and it's really easy to make, and then add in flavours to your heart's content. But there are a couple of tips to make it better.

What you need: 
Can of chickpeas 
Olive oil
Fresh lemon juice


You need a blender for this, but most people do have one, so we're good. Ah, but, the chickpeas (or garbanzos). Canned or dried? Let's go with both, and then you can decide which you prefer.

Canned is easier (and you get free aqua faba) but it is not a case of emptying and using, oh, no. Drain them, then put in a pan of cold water with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda, and bring to a simmer for 5-10 minutes. Keep the liquid from the can. 

Drain them, and put in your blender. Add squeeze of lemon, S&P, and a tbsp of tahini, and a little of the aqua faba. Blend to a silky smooth mix. Right at then add a little olive oil. Done.

If using dried chickpeas, they must be soaked overnight in cold water. Once again add bicarb. 

The next day, drain, add to a pan with more cold water, and, yes, you guessed it, more bicarb. Simmer for an hour. Then do the blendy thing. Your aqua faba is in the pan.

You now have hummus. But you don't have to stop there. Add roasted garlic, or half an avocado, or sweet chilli sauce, or a beetroot. The possibilities are endless. And the beauty of doing it yourself (apart from saving money) is that you choose the flavour, and how strong you want that flavour to be. 

Now go hummus like you have never hummused before. 

Mike Devlin has been a chef with 30 years experience in England, Germany and USA. For the last 10 years, he has also been a writer and author (Smith, and Manchester City: The Secret History Of A Club That Has No History), with two more books in the offing - a thriller, and a history book. He also is an artist and sculptur, in his spare time.
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